Enter the toposolid, enter Verdaus to the BIM Universe!

Innovation and adoption of cutting-edge technologies have always been part of our DNA at Verdaus. We were among the earliest Middle Eastern clients for Aconex, quick to recognize the potential of SketchUp (yeah, we are that old!), and made significant strides as landscape architects by utilizing CivilCAD3D. Our proactive approach didn’t stop there. When it came to LandF/X, we weren’t just users, but influencers who contributed to the software’s development. Rhino3D and the Grasshopper plugin also became integral to our creative toolbox. Despite this progressive track record, one tool, Revit, didn’t make it into our lineup – until now. Today, we’re pleased to announce that we have officially stepped into the world of 3D design with Autodesk’s BIM 360 Collaboration Pro via Revit.

While BIM and Revit have been transforming architectural design for years (Revit was first launched in 2000), we viewed these tools as more appropriate for architecture, structure, and MEP disciplines. Our specialization in landscape architecture requires a unique amalgamation of civil engineering and architectural tools, which historically, Revit didn’t quite deliver.

However, technological advancements never stand still. The 2024 version of Revit marks a new era for landscape architecture with the introduction of the toposolid concept . With this, and the innovative Environment for Revit plugin offered by Arch Intelligence, we’re seeing a transformed landscape. These key developments prompted us to welcome this potent technology into our workflow.

Navigating this new terrain involves a steep learning curve, but we’re adapting quickly. We’ve already tasted success – our first model is flourishing in the BIM 360 environment. The positive impact on our design and coordination process is palpable. Working directly in 3D has not only simplified our workflows but also made them more productive.

As the saying goes, the latest converts can often become the most ardent advocates. This holds true for us! We’re excited about this new chapter at Verdaus and look forward to leveraging the capabilities of BIM and Revit to shape your projects in more dynamic and sustainable ways.